My Story

My name is Alejandro but everyone calls me Alex. It's just easier to pronounce. By way of introduction: I grew up in suburban Long Island to a family of four children. My favorite memory is of when I learned to ride a bike at five years old. I attended catholic high school during which I played lacrosse and swam varsity. I especially enjoyed hiking club and mountain biking. I took a few urban planning courses in school, as well as photography, sculpture and art history. I love working with my hands and interacting with people.

My mother studied culinary arts and managed the Holiday Inn Westbury for many years, and my father served in the U.S. Army in the sixties and retired from a long career as an electrical engineer at Unisys/Sperry. My older sister is a schoolteacher, my little sister works for The Atlantic magazine and my brother runs a tour company in Montevideo, Uruguay. I studied biology at NYU then law in Brooklyn. Growing up, we would often make trips to admire the Catskills and to ski Bellayre, then Hunter and Windham as our skills progressed.

We always loved the Catskills and naturally dreamt of having a place here to call our own. My favorite part of any trip was climbing through the glades, up the mountaintop. I love the cold and this was always a moment of transition: your ears pop, the air changes, and suddenly there is snow.

This sense of wonder has not been lost on me. Since then, I introduced my wife to the Catskills, first on the trip when I proposed to her at Storm King on the way up from the city, and having returned time after time to stay at Villa Vosilla or Hunter Inn with friends for hiking or slopes and a warm fireplace.

Here in Lexington, I am excited to create an innovative, sustainable and ecological project - sensitive to the legacy of the place and the needs of our community which I am so happy to now be a part of.

All that said, please reach out to me anytime. I welcome your input. And if we haven't already met, I look forward to meeting you and learning about you as well!

Best regards,

Alex Rodriguez
Lexington Arts + Science LLC

lexartsci @